How To Fill A Large Hole In Plaster Wall

By | October 31, 2019

How to Fill a Large Hole in a Plaster Wall

When it comes to home repairs, patching up holes in walls is a common task. While small holes can be easily filled with spackling paste, larger holes require a more substantial approach. If you're faced with a large hole in a plaster wall, it's essential to follow specific steps to ensure a durable and seamless repair.

This article will guide you through the essential aspects of filling a large hole in a plaster wall. We'll cover everything from preparing the area to applying the final coat of plaster, providing detailed instructions and tips to help you achieve a professional-looking finish.

1. Prepare the Hole

The first step is to prepare the hole by removing any loose plaster or debris. Use a putty knife or wire brush to clean the edges of the hole and create a clean, solid surface for the new plaster to adhere to.

2. Install Backing Material

For large holes, it's crucial to provide support for the new plaster. Cut a piece of galvanized metal lath or fiberglass mesh to fit the hole, leaving about 1 inch of overlap on all sides. Secure the backing material to the wall using plaster nails or screws.

3. Mix the Plaster

To fill the hole, you'll need to mix plaster according to the manufacturer's instructions. Use a clean bucket and mix the plaster until it reaches a thick, spreadable consistency.

4. Apply the First Coat

Apply the first coat of plaster to the hole, using a trowel or putty knife to spread it evenly. Force the plaster into the edges of the hole to ensure it adheres properly. This coat should be about 1/4 inch thick.

5. Apply a Scratch Coat

Once the first coat has dried slightly, apply a second coat, known as a scratch coat. This coat should be thinner and more textured than the first. Use a trowel to create small grooves in the surface, which will provide a better bond for the finish coat.

6. Apply the Finish Coat

After the scratch coat has dried completely, apply the finish coat of plaster. Spread a thin, smooth layer over the hole and use a trowel to gently level it out. Allow the finish coat to dry thoroughly.

7. Sand and Prime

Once the plaster has hardened, sand it smooth with fine-grit sandpaper. Remove any excess dust and apply a coat of primer to the repaired area to seal it and prevent stains.

8. Paint

Finally, paint the repaired area to match the surrounding wall color. Use a high-quality paint and apply multiple thin coats to achieve a professional finish.


By following these essential aspects, you can effectively fill a large hole in a plaster wall and restore its original appearance. Remember to prepare the hole properly, use the appropriate materials, and apply the plaster in multiple coats for best results.

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