How To Build A Round Stone Wall With Mortar

By | August 7, 2022

How To Build A Round Stone Wall With Mortar

Building a round stone wall with mortar is a great way to add character and charm to your yard or garden. It can also be a fun and rewarding project to tackle on your own. However, before you get started, it's important to understand the essential aspects of the process.

### Choosing the Right Stones

The first step is to choose the right stones. You'll want to select stones that are relatively flat and have a uniform shape. This will make it easier to create a smooth and even wall.

### Preparing the Ground

Once you have your stones, you'll need to prepare the ground. This involves clearing away any debris and leveling the area where the wall will be built. You may also want to dig a trench around the perimeter of the wall to provide a solid foundation.

### Mixing the Mortar

The next step is to mix the mortar. Mortar is a mixture of cement, sand, and water. The ratio of these ingredients will vary depending on the type of mortar you're using. However, a general rule of thumb is to use one part cement to three parts sand to one part water.

### Laying the Stones

Once the mortar is mixed, you can begin laying the stones. Start by placing the stones around the perimeter of the wall. Then, work your way inward, filling in the gaps with smaller stones. As you lay the stones, be sure to tamp them down firmly into the mortar. This will help to create a strong and durable wall.

### Finishing the Wall

Once the wall is complete, you'll need to finish it off. This involves pointing the mortar joints and adding a capstone to the top of the wall. Pointing the mortar joints will help to protect the wall from the elements, while the capstone will add a finishing touch and prevent water from seeping into the wall.

### Rounding the Wall

To round the wall, you will need to cut the stones to fit the curve. This can be done with a stone chisel or a grinder. Once the stones are cut, you can begin laying them in the same manner as you would for a straight wall.

### Tips for Building a Round Stone Wall

Here are a few tips for building a round stone wall with mortar:

* Use a level to make sure that the wall is level as you build it. * Tamp the stones down firmly into the mortar to create a strong and durable wall. * Point the mortar joints to protect the wall from the elements. * Add a capstone to the top of the wall to prevent water from seeping in. * Round the wall by cutting the stones to fit the curve. ### Conclusion

Building a round stone wall is a great way to add character and charm to your yard or garden. By following these essential aspects, you can create a beautiful and durable wall that will last for many years to come.

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