How To Cement Render A Brick Wall

By | August 17, 2022

How to Cement Render a Brick Wall

Essential aspects are crucial for understanding the process of cement rendering a brick wall to achieve a smooth, durable, and aesthetically pleasing finish. Essential aspects include proper surface preparation, selecting the right cement mix, applying the rendering in multiple coats, curing, and maintenance. These aspects work together to ensure a long-lasting and effective cement render.

Surface Preparation

Preparing the brick wall surface is paramount. Remove dirt, debris, paint, or loose mortar by brushing, sanding, or pressure washing. Ensure the wall is dry and free from cracks or holes. Any cracks or imperfections should be repaired using a suitable mortar mix to create a stable base for the cement render.

Cement Mix Selection

Choosing the appropriate cement mix is essential. Ready-mixed cement renders are available and provide convenience. Alternatively, a mix can be made on-site using Portland cement, sand, and water in specific proportions. A mix ratio of 1:3 (cement to sand) is suitable for most applications. Add water gradually while mixing to achieve a workable consistency.


Apply the cement render in multiple coats. Start with a thin scratch coat, which is a rougher layer that creates a bond between the brick and the cement render. Allow the scratch coat to dry before applying a thicker second coat, known as the brown coat. The brown coat should be leveled and smoothed using a trowel.

Finally, apply a thin finishing coat to create a smooth surface. The finishing coat can be textured or painted to achieve the desired aesthetic effect.


Curing is crucial for the strength and durability of the cement render. Keep the rendered wall moist by misting it with water or covering it with plastic sheeting. Allow the render to cure for at least 7 days before exposing it to direct sunlight or extreme temperatures.


Cement render requires minimal maintenance but can benefit from periodic cleaning. Use a soft brush or sponge to remove dirt or algae buildup. Inspect the render regularly for any cracks or damage and repair them promptly to prevent further deterioration.

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