How To Seal Gaps In Plywood Walls

By | January 8, 2023

How to Seal Gaps in Plywood Walls

When working with plywood, sealing any gaps is essential to ensure a strong, durable, and aesthetically pleasing finish. Neglecting to seal these gaps can lead to moisture penetration, air leaks, and structural damage. Addressing these gaps is crucial for the longevity and performance of your plywood walls.

Materials Required

  • Caulk (silicone-based or polyurethane-based)
  • Caulk gun
  • Clean cloth
  • Masking tape (optional)

Steps for Sealing Gaps

  1. Preparation: Clean the surface of the plywood walls to remove any dust, debris, or moisture. If necessary, use a vacuum cleaner to remove any loose particles.
  2. Gap Identification: Inspect the walls thoroughly to identify any gaps or cracks. Use a flashlight to illuminate difficult-to-see areas.
  3. Moisture Control: Before applying caulk, ensure the walls are dry to prevent moisture from becoming trapped beneath the sealant.
  4. Caulk Application: Load the caulk gun with the chosen sealant and cut the nozzle to an appropriate width. Apply the caulk evenly into the gaps, using a smooth and consistent motion. Fill the gaps completely, slightly overfilling them to create a rounded profile.
  5. Tooling: Use a clean cloth or a finger dipped in soapy water to smooth out the caulk and remove any excess. Allow the caulk to dry according to the manufacturer's instructions.

Considerations for Caulk Selection

  • Type of Plywood: Choose a caulk suitable for the specific type of plywood being used, considering its composition and intended application.
  • Flexibility: Opt for a caulk with high elasticity to withstand movement and expansion/contraction of the plywood.
  • Durability: Select a caulk resistant to moisture, UV radiation, and extreme temperatures for long-lasting performance.


Sealing gaps in plywood walls is a crucial step that contributes significantly to the structural integrity, weather resistance, and overall durability of the wall system. By understanding the essential aspects of sealing gaps, including material selection, preparation, and application techniques, homeowners and contractors can effectively address this critical aspect of plywood wall construction.

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