How To Take Off Wallpaper Border Easily

By | February 9, 2023

How to Remove Wallpaper Border Seamlessly

Wallpaper borders can add a touch of style and elegance to any room. However, over time, they can become outdated, damaged, or simply not to your taste anymore. Removing wallpaper borders can be a daunting task, but it's much easier than you might think with the right tools and techniques.

Essential Tools for Wallpaper Border Removal

Before you begin, gather the following essential tools to make the process smoother and more efficient:

  • Wallpaper scoring tool or utility knife
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  • Warm water
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  • Sponge or spray bottle
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  • Putty knife or paint scraper
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  • Container for boiling water (optional)
  • Step-by-Step Guide to Removing Wallpaper Borders

    Follow these simple steps to remove wallpaper borders without damaging the underlying wall:

    1. Prepare the area: Remove any furniture or objects from the area where you'll be working. Protect the floor with a drop cloth or tarp. 2. Score the border: Using a wallpaper scoring tool or utility knife, carefully score a thin line along the top and bottom edges of the wallpaper border. This will help the wallpaper solution penetrate more effectively. 3. Apply water: Fill a sponge or spray bottle with warm water and dampen the scored border. Allow the water to soak into the paper for a few minutes, but avoid over-saturating it. 4. Loosen the border: Use a putty knife or paint scraper to gently lift an edge of the border. If the border isn't coming off easily, apply more water and let it soak in for longer. 5. Pull off the border: Once the border has loosened, slowly pull it away from the wall, working your way along the entire length. Be careful not to tear the paper or damage the paint underneath. 6. Remove any adhesive residue: If there is any adhesive residue left on the wall, use a sponge or cloth dampened with warm water to wipe it away. For stubborn residue, you can try a solution of warm water and dish soap. 7. Rinse and dry: Finally, rinse the wall with clean water and allow it to dry completely before applying any new wallpaper or paint.

    Tips for Removing Stubborn Borders

    If you encounter a wallpaper border that is particularly stubborn, try the following tips:

  • Use boiling water to loosen the adhesive. Fill a container with boiling water and dip a sponge or cloth into it. Apply the hot water to the border and let it sit for a few minutes before trying to remove it.
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  • Try commercial wallpaper removal solutions. There are several products available that are specifically designed to dissolve wallpaper adhesive. Follow the instructions on the product label carefully.
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  • Use a steam wallpaper remover. This tool uses steam to soften the adhesive and make the wallpaper easier to remove. It's a more expensive option, but it can be very effective on particularly stubborn borders.
  • Removing wallpaper borders doesn't have to be a difficult or time-consuming task. With the right tools and techniques, you can remove them quickly and easily, leaving your walls looking fresh and new.

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