What Should I Paint First Walls Or Trim

By | February 10, 2023

What Should I Paint First: Walls or Trim? Essential Aspects to Consider

When embarking on a painting project, the order in which you apply paint to walls and trim can significantly impact the outcome. Deciding whether to paint walls or trim first requires careful consideration of essential factors such as the existing condition of the surfaces, the type of paint being used, and the desired aesthetic effect.

This article delves into the key aspects that will guide your decision-making process, ensuring a successful and visually appealing paint job.

1. Surface Condition

The condition of your walls and trim plays a crucial role. If the walls have significant imperfections, such as dents, cracks, or uneven surfaces, painting them first will allow you to fill and repair any blemishes before applying trim paint. Conversely, if the trim is in poor condition, it may require more extensive preparation, making it more efficient to paint it first.

2. Paint Type

The type of paint you choose can also influence the painting order. For example, if you are using latex paint, which dries quickly, it may be preferable to paint the walls first to minimize the risk of paint spills or splatters on the trim. On the other hand, if you are using oil-based paint, which requires a longer drying time, painting the trim first allows ample time for it to dry before tackling the larger surface area of the walls.

3. Desired Effect

The aesthetic effect you want to achieve can also guide your decision. If you prefer a bold contrast between walls and trim, painting the trim first will create a more defined separation. However, if you want a more subtle transition, painting the walls first and then cutting in the trim color will result in a softer blend between the two surfaces.

4. Tools and Techniques

The tools and techniques you use can also impact your decision. If you are using a brush to apply the paint, it may be easier to start with the walls and then use an angled brush to precisely cut in around the trim. On the other hand, if you are using a roller, it may be more efficient to paint the trim first to avoid paint buildup on the roller when rolling the walls.

5. Time and Labor

Time and labor considerations can also factor into the decision. Painting walls typically requires more time and effort due to the larger surface area. If you are short on time or have limited help, it may be more practical to paint the trim first, which is a smaller and more manageable task.


The decision of whether to paint walls or trim first should not be taken lightly. By considering the essential aspects outlined above, you can make an informed choice that will optimize the results of your painting project. Whether you prioritize surface condition, paint type, desired effect, tools and techniques, or time and labor, the key is to approach the task with careful planning to ensure a beautiful and long-lasting finish.

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