Are Textured Walls More Expensive

By | September 1, 2022

Essential Aspects: Are Textured Walls More Expensive?

The decision between smooth and textured walls is a crucial one that can significantly impact the cost, aesthetics, and practicality of any renovation project. Evaluating the following essential aspects is vital in determining whether textured walls align with your budget and design goals. This article explores the key factors that influence the cost implications of textured walls.

Materials and Labor

Textured walls require specialized materials, such as joint compound, texture sprayers, and stencils, which can be more expensive than those used for smooth walls. Additionally, the labor involved in applying textures is more time-consuming and requires skilled professionals, resulting in higher labor costs.

Surface Preparation

Before applying texture, the walls need to be properly prepared, which includes removing existing paint or wallpaper, repairing any imperfections, and priming the surface. These additional steps can add to the overall cost compared to simply painting a smooth wall.

Skill and Experience

Applying texture requires specialized skills and experience to achieve the desired effect. Hiring an experienced professional ensures a high-quality finish, but their services typically cost more than those of a regular painter.

Repairs and Maintenance

Textured walls can be more prone to damage than smooth walls, especially in high-traffic areas. Repairing textured walls requires specialized knowledge and materials, potentially leading to higher maintenance costs over time.

Value and Resale

While textured walls can add visual interest and character to a space, they may not be to everyone's taste. This can affect the resale value of a property, especially if the texture is outdated or no longer in style.


Determining whether textured walls are more expensive depends on several essential aspects, including materials, labor, preparation, skill, repairs, and resale value. Evaluating these factors will help you make an informed decision that aligns with your budget and design preferences.

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