Do You Paint Skirting Or Walls First

By | March 5, 2023

Do You Paint Skirting or Walls First?

When decorating a room, it's important to have a plan for the order in which you paint the walls and trim. The decision of whether to paint the skirting or walls first can affect the finished look and ease of the painting process.

In this article, we will explore the essential aspects of whether to paint skirting or walls first, considering factors such as paint type, finish, and the desired visual effect. We will also provide tips and tricks to help you achieve a professional-looking paint job.

1. Paint Type and Drying Time

The type of paint you are using will influence the order in which you should paint the skirting and walls. Water-based paints, such as latex and acrylic, dry quickly and can be painted over more easily than oil-based paints.

If you are using water-based paint, it is generally recommended to paint the walls first. This allows the walls to dry completely before you paint the skirting, reducing the risk of smudging or damaging the wall paint.

2. Desired Finish

The desired finish of your paint job can also affect the order in which you paint the skirting and walls. If you are painting the skirting and walls the same color and want to achieve a smooth, seamless finish, it is best to paint the walls first.

Painting the walls first creates a solid base color that you can then paint over with the skirting color. This helps to prevent any underlying colors from bleeding through and creating an uneven finish.

3. Visual Effect

In addition to the practical considerations, the visual effect you want to achieve can also influence the decision of whether to paint the skirting or walls first.

If you want to create a bold contrast between the skirting and the walls, painting the skirting first can be a good option. This creates a more defined separation between the two surfaces and makes the skirting stand out.

4. Tips and Tricks

Here are some tips and tricks to help you achieve a professional-looking paint job when painting skirting or walls:

  • Use painter's tape to protect the skirting or walls from paint spills.
  • Use a small brush or roller to cut in around the skirting or walls.
  • Allow the paint to dry completely before applying a second coat.
  • If you are painting the skirting and walls different colors, use a contrasting color on the skirting to create a more dramatic effect.


The decision of whether to paint skirting or walls first depends on several factors, including the paint type, desired finish, and visual effect. By understanding the essential aspects of this process, you can plan your painting project effectively and achieve a professional-looking result.

Remember, the key to a successful paint job is proper preparation and attention to detail. Take your time and follow the tips provided in this article to achieve a beautiful and long-lasting paint finish.

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