How To Fix Paint Bubbles On Exterior Wall

By | July 14, 2022

How To Fix Paint Bubbles On Exterior Wall

Paint bubbles on exterior walls can be an eyesore and a sign of underlying problems. Ignoring even a few blisters could potentially lead to more significant issues and costly repairs in the future. Therefore, addressing these bubbles promptly is essential. Understanding the causes and implementing proper repair techniques will help maintain the aesthetic appeal of your home and prevent further damage. This article will focus on the essential aspects of fixing paint bubbles on exterior walls, providing a step-by-step guide to address this issue effectively.

Identifying the Cause

The first step in fixing paint bubbles is to identify the underlying cause. Several factors can contribute to this problem, including moisture, improper surface preparation, and poor paint quality. Moisture is a common culprit as it causes the paint to lose its adhesion to the surface. Improper surface preparation, such as not cleaning the surface thoroughly or using the wrong primer, can also lead to paint bubbles. Additionally, using low-quality paint can result in a weak bond between the paint and the surface, making it more susceptible to blistering.

Repairing the Bubbles

Once the cause of the paint bubbles has been identified, the next step is to repair them. The repair process typically involves scraping off the loose paint, sanding the surface, and applying a fresh coat of paint. It is important to note that the specific repair method may vary depending on the severity and extent of the paint bubbles. In cases of severe blistering, it may be necessary to remove the entire paint layer and start over with a proper surface preparation and paint application.

Preventing Future Bubbles

To prevent paint bubbles from recurring, several measures can be taken. Firstly, it is essential to ensure proper surface preparation before painting. This includes cleaning the surface thoroughly with a degreaser, removing any loose paint or debris, and applying a high-quality primer. Secondly, using a high-quality paint specifically designed for exterior applications is crucial. These paints are formulated to withstand various weather conditions and resist blistering. Lastly, it is advisable to apply multiple thin coats of paint rather than one thick coat to minimize the risk of trapping moisture and air bubbles.


Fixing paint bubbles on exterior walls involves identifying the underlying cause, repairing the affected areas, and implementing preventive measures to avoid future occurrences. By understanding the essential aspects outlined in this article, you can effectively address this issue and maintain the beauty and durability of your exterior walls.

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