How To Hang A Wall Tapestry With Command Strips

By | July 5, 2022

How to Hang a Wall Tapestry with Command Strips: A Step-by-Step Guide

Hanging a wall tapestry with Command Strips is a simple and effective way to add color, texture, and personality to any room. Here's a detailed guide to help you hang your tapestry securely and effortlessly. ### Materials You'll Need: - Wall tapestry - Command Strips (large or extra-large size, depending on the weight of the tapestry) - Measuring tape or ruler - Level - Pencil or marking tool ### Step 1: Prepare the Surface - Choose a clean, dry, and smooth wall surface. - Remove any dust or debris from the wall. ### Step 2: Mark the Placement - Measure the desired height and width of the tapestry on the wall. - Use a pencil or marking tool to lightly mark the top and bottom corners of the tapestry. - Use a level to ensure that the marks are straight and parallel. ### Step 3: Prepare the Command Strips - Remove the backing from a set of Command Strips. - Press one strip onto each marked corner of the tapestry. - Smooth out any air bubbles or wrinkles. ### Step 4: Align and Press onto the Wall - Hold the tapestry against the wall and align it with the markings. - Press firmly on each Command Strip for 30 seconds. - Use the level to ensure that the tapestry is hanging straight. ### Step 5: Smooth Out the Tapestry - Use your hands to smooth out any wrinkles or creases in the tapestry. - Work from the center outward, applying gentle pressure. ### Step 6: Secure the Corners - Press firmly on each corner of the tapestry to ensure that the Command Strips are securely attached. - Check if the tapestry is level again. ### Step 7: Adjust if Needed - If the tapestry is not hanging straight or if it appears to be sagging, you can adjust the placement of the Command Strips. - Remove the tapestry from the wall, reattach the strips in a slightly different position, and press them firmly into place. ### Tips: - For heavier tapestries, use extra-large Command Strips or combine several sets of large strips for increased support. - Allow the Command Strips to bond to the wall for at least 24 hours before hanging the tapestry. - Do not hang tapestries near heat sources or in areas with excessive moisture. - To remove the tapestry, simply pull straight down on the bottom edge. The Command Strips will release their hold without damaging the wall.

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