Usg Shaft Wall Inside Corner Detail

By | July 19, 2022

USG Shaft Wall Inside Corner Detail: Essential Aspects

The USG Shaft Wall Inside Corner Detail is a critical component in the construction of gypsum board shaft walls, ensuring structural integrity and durability. Understanding the essential aspects of this detail will help contractors and builders achieve optimal performance and longevity of their shaft wall systems.

Purpose and Function

The primary purpose of the USG Shaft Wall Inside Corner Detail is to provide reinforcement and protection to the inside corners of shaft walls. These corners are particularly vulnerable to impact damage, moisture penetration, and cracking. The detail creates a reinforced corner that resists damage and maintains the integrity of the wall system.


The USG Shaft Wall Inside Corner Detail typically comprises the following components:

  • Corner Bead or Angle: A metal or vinyl bead or angle that is applied to the inside corner of the wall, providing a straight and reinforced edge.
  • Drywall Paper Tape: A self-adhesive tape that is applied over the corner bead or angle, creating a smooth and sealed joint between the gypsum board panels.
  • Joint Compound: A gypsum-based compound that is applied over the paper tape and feather-edged out to create a seamless finish.

Installation Process

The proper installation of the USG Shaft Wall Inside Corner Detail is crucial for its effectiveness. The general steps involved are as follows:

  • Prepare the inside corner by cutting the gypsum board panels to the desired length and attaching them to the studs.
  • Apply the corner bead or angle along the inside corner, ensuring it is flush with the gypsum board panels.
  • Install the drywall paper tape over the corner bead or angle, pressing it firmly into place.
  • Apply two coats of joint compound over the paper tape, allowing each coat to dry before applying the next.
  • Feather-edge the joint compound out onto the gypsum board panels to create a smooth and seamless finish.


Implementing the USG Shaft Wall Inside Corner Detail offers several benefits:

  • Increased Corner Strength: The reinforced corner helps resist impact damage and prevents the gypsum board panels from cracking or separating at the inside corner.
  • Moisture Resistance: The detail creates a moisture-resistant barrier, preventing water penetration and reducing the risk of mold and mildew growth.
  • Improved Aesthetics: The smooth and seamless finish enhances the overall appearance of the shaft wall.
  • Code Compliance: The USG Shaft Wall Inside Corner Detail meets building code requirements for corner reinforcement and moisture resistance.


The USG Shaft Wall Inside Corner Detail is an essential component in shaft wall construction, providing structural integrity, moisture resistance, and improved aesthetics. By understanding the purpose, components, installation process, and benefits of this detail, contractors and builders can ensure the optimal performance and longevity of their shaft wall systems.

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